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automated functions

Professional Services

Implementation resources

Our experienced staff provides comprehensive implementation planning and project management, data conversion mapping, application integration, on-site training and consulting services. All of these services are designed to ensure that EISS is successfully implemented at your organization.

System engineering


Our team of engineers can provide all hardware (configuration, procurement, and installation), operating systems, database software, system training and technical support.

Support center

Support can be accessed by telephone or through the web. Our team of courteous professionals provides quick and efficient solutions to ensure that your agency doesn't experience system down time.

Application hosting

Our application hosting service provider (ASP) solution is an affordable option. This allows access to our applications without the need to install any hardware or software at your site. All software and database maintenance is administered for you by the ASP staff. Simply click an ICON on your desktop to instantly and securely use the applications over the internet.

Disaster recovery

Your data is critical and our nightly backup service prevents the unnecessary loss of information. You can also contract with our data center to run your applications in the event of an emergency.


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