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Saving $$$
Reduce your bottom line!

  • Our agency- based software, will cut your billing clerical costs by 1/2 because it automates the increases the efficiency of the billing process by as much as 60% - immediately saving you money! This effect is multiplied as your receivables grow.

Typical billing through a web interface such as First Health or Covansys takes time and unnecessarily money spent. For example, if you were billing 500 children per month (at an approximate mandate of 2 children per week), you'd need at least 3-4 full time billing clerical staff to data entry the children’s visits, and barely have time for performing a quality assurance fiscal audit prior to billing submission. Our agency-based software will cut your billing clerical costs by 1/2 because it automates the increases the efficiency of the billing process by as much as 60% - immediately saving you money! This effect is multiplied as your receivables grow.

Our program batches all claims, and automatically submits the electronic billing. There is no need for double entry, i.e., once in your company accounting system, and another time in the on-line web-based billing.

  • A vast amount of labor intensive clerical work is devoted to tracking therapists expiring data, such as expiring licensure, liability insurance, annual physical, etc... Our system's streamlined automated functions allow your current staff to increase their efficiency by more than 50% which translates into saving you $ as your company grows and hire more providers to service children. Our unique software will eliminate to the need to hire more staff to process new therapists who join your agency, track their ever expiring data, and eliminate the panic-stricken last minute mad rush to have therapists send in missing data while your agency is undergoing audit.
  • Your intake coordinators spent enormous time processing phone calls, faxing information, while your therapist staffing spend the same labor intensive effort to give out cases. Our proven (see merit evidence of our audits) workflow and automated functions will allow you to fuse these 2 separate staff into a single integrated role, and thereby reduce your intake coordination and therapist staffing costs by 1/2.
  • How much postage do you spend, spending countless documents to therapists via either regular or overnight delivery? Eliminate those expenses once and for all by sending IFSP's child evaluations, therapist’s instruction/ cover letters, and therapist’s pay stubs to each therapists individual repository, where they may instantly download it to their computer or print it, in accordance with all Federal and State regulations governing electronic documents!

Postage fees are costly to therapists who must mail there notes in every two week! In NYC, for example, the initial volunteer period which the new Covansys permits weekly billing and payment, will burden therapists with even more postage costs. While initially voluntary, the QA (quality assurance) departments at the County level will likely mandate weekly billing, so as to ensure improved quality assurance monitoring of therapist notes, soon after the treatment occurred. Our system eliminates your waiting for therapist notes, and eliminates therapists' complaints of he chore of mailing in notes on time to meet payment cut-off deadlines. Therapists who are independent contractors can scan session notes in instant time - compliant with all Federal and State regulations of e-documents - directly to your agency, eliminating the need for upcoming payroll. Corrections that need to be instantly made by therapists may be delivered immediately, bypassing both mail and personal delivery of daily logs. Net effect: improving your cash flow will be positively enhanced.

  • How often do you wait for a progress note? How often is it "lost" in "fax heaven" or delivered to your fax unreadable because of poor transmission due to inclement weather, poor telephone line, etc... Our proven system allows, in accordance with FERPA, HIPAA (HL7), Medicaid, & ESRA for therapists to "write their progress notes directly onto our server from their own computer, and affixing their e-signature consistent with all Federal and State regulations for e-signatures and e-documents, while permitting therapists to download a copy to their own computer and print, so as to maintain a complete child record consistent with guidelines.
  • How labor-intensive is it to share a progress note from a single therapist with every therapist on the therapy team for a given child?

Our Solution: Once a therapist completes their electronic progress note, and affixes their e-signature, their progress note automatically is posted on the "bulletin board" for each therapist on the team. This will save your clerical staff time and save you ($) money, as the increasingly higher standards of early intervention will mandate that each therapist review the progress notes of each other therapist on the "team" as part of a family centeredness approach. An e-mail is automatically generated to notify each therapist that a progress note awaits their review as part of the collaborative treatment for the child, while a log is generated showing the date the progress note was made accessible, as well as the date it was reviewed by each member of the team. This will save the agency postage money by eliminating the need for snail-mail, and offering therapists immediate access, a part collaborating on behalf of the child.

  • Our fraud-detection module will save you both time and money! It will save you time by eliminating the clerical-based laborious review of session notes to prevent billing of overlapped sessions. Instead, this functional is done automatically, without the need for human intervention. From a monetary perspective, avoiding unnecessary legal costs from alleged potential fraudulent claims by the inspector general's office, and accompanying aggravation and costly penalties, is invaluable. Only our software offers a dual module that cross-references & employs web-cartographic mapping to detect & prevent fraud.

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